Thursday, October 25, 2018

From 2013 to 2018

Many people go through their life not know if they have made a significant impact on the world around them.  If I could have one goal in life that would be it… To know that of all of the people that I have come in contact with, that I have made some sort of difference in their eyes.

I like to think I have already done so with the birth of my two sons, Drake and Lincoln. They are 2 of the most important things in my life and I am thankful for them each and every day. I am also very thankful and blessed to have a great husband and best friend in Bryon.

I feel that I have a lot to say about all things in life, money, and health. That is my real reason for starting this blog, I have read multiple blogs and after I read each one I think to myself, "I can do that". So I'm going to attempt to do now. My hope is the musings in my life I can lend some advice and insight into the crazy thing I call life. Life of a mother, wife, runner, frugal “franny”, and friend. I have never done anything like this and it makes be very nervous, I have never really been much of a writer, but this new "journey" you could say I am also excited for. I look at this as an opportunity to grow as a person and step out of my "comfort" zone.

-----The start of this blog in 2013--- Cut to 2018

That was where it ended. Never hit publish, I never even previewed it. Here I am 2018 - 5 years later, still wanting to start a blog. This time I hit "publish"! To say I am scared is and understatement. Excited still -- you bet. 
5 years - I have grown so much in the last 5 years and I have been in a season for the last few months looking for more growth. Growth as a person. Growth as a wife. Growth as a mom. Growth as a Friend. Growth as a runner. ALL THE GROWTH! I'm done being scared, I'm done thinking small.   
Got this from @mrsrachelhollis if you aren't following her - you should!

I still want to talk about all the things I wanted to talk about 5 years ago. But I also want to talk about so much more. So here goes nothing....